Homemade Tumeric Milk

My fiancé and I both came down with a nasty cold recently. You know the one: sore throat, exhaustion and phlegm, phlegm, phlegm. Despite the warm weather, all I wanted to do was to curl in bed with my dog under layers of blankets, watch 13 Reasons Why and drink spicy tumeric milk.

If you haven’t had tumeric milk, it’s the best—spicy, soothing, creamy and my favorite for cold weather or being under the weather. And, it’s sooooo good for you. It's antiviral which helps keep your immune system strong and anti-microbial which helps treat infections in the respiratory system.

You can make the recipe with store-bought almond milk, but I much prefer homemade almond milk (if you have the time). I think it makes the drink more rich and creamy.

homemade almond milk

Homemade Almond Milk


  • 2 cups raw almonds
  • 4 cups water


  1. Add almond and water to a large bowl to soak overnight or up to 2 days for creamier milk
  2. Drain the almonds in a colander and add them to a blender with 4 cups of fresh water to puree
  3. Add the blended almond milk (a cup at a time) to the nut milk bag and squeeze milk into a bowl or pitch (you will be left with an almond meal which you can dehydrate to use for baking or compost).

Homemade Tumeric Milk (Serves 2)


  • 1" knob of tumeric, peeled 
  • 1" knob of ginger, peeled
  • 2 cups of homemade almond milk
  • 4 dates
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • a dash or two of cayenne, to taste


  1. Add all of the ingredients to a blender and puree.
  2. Strain the mixture through a sieve into a pot
  3. Heat until warm over low heat and serve in a mug with a sprinkle of cinnamon