Artist Garden

The goal for this San Rafael garden was simple: create an 'artist's garden' that rejects formal design and attracts pollinators. We began with sheet mulching a large, 900 sq ft lawn in the back that was patchy and filled with weeds, mostly funded by a rebate from Marin Water's Cash-for-Grass program. A series of three decaying retaining walls were replaced, hugging the steep slope on the side of the house. After a few months of prep and heavy rain, we were ready to plant. Where there was once a sad lawn, we created a meandering pea gravel path with a small native meadow encircled by California native and drought-tolerant plants.

Invasive ivy was removed below a sculptural California Buckeye and replaced with native coffeeberry, ceanothus, ferns and grasses.

Retaining walls were planted with a cascade of native flowering shrubs and elegant grevillea soften a concrete wall. The front becomes a lush jungle of Giant Chain Fern, Tree Ferns, Agave, manzanita, and grasses. 


Construction by Eli's Landscaping, AJ's Landscaping & Alfredo Juarez.